Our Services


This component of our programming is geared towards meeting the needs of individuals who present or have been diagnosed with mild to moderate exceptionalities. Through this section, individuals will receive:

50 hours of support monthly for each child and is broken down into 12 hours of support weekly. 6 hours of the 12 hours will be dedicated to direct 1:1 support for program implementation which will focus on supporting individuals to skill development. The other 6 hours will be used as needed for the following, but not limited to, behavioural support, supervision, life skills that will enhance their quality of life to allow for less behaviours and more independence.

Upon intake into Sensoree Foster Care Services, each child will complete an ABLLs – R assessment. Using the results of the assessment, a customized program will be developed and implemented.  Individual program, progress and data/information collection will be reviewed and supervised by a Senior Therapist at a minimum of 4 hours a week. Additionally, individual programs, progress, and data/information collection will be overlooked by a BCBA at a minimum of 6 hours a month.


Sensoree Cove will be geared towards providing supports for individuals who present with or have been diagnosed with moderate to severe exceptionalities.  Through this sector of the programming individuals will receive:

8 hours of support for each child. 4 hours will be dedicated to direct 1:1 support for program implementation which will focus on supporting individuals to skill development. The other 4 hours will be used as needed for the following, but not limited to, behavioural support, supervision, community engagement, life skills that will enhance their quality of life to allow for less behaviours and more independence. Hours will be supported by Support Workers. 

Upon intake into Sensoree Foster Care Services, each child will complete an ABLLs – R assessment. Using the results of the assessment, a customized program will be developed and implemented.  Each individual program, progress and data/information collection will be reviewed and supervised by a Senior Therapist at a minimum of 6 hours a week. Additionally, each individual programs, progress, and data/information collection will be overlooked by a BCBA at a minimum of 8 hours a month.

The goal of this program structure is to allow everyone placed in Sensoree Cove to strive towards moving to the Sensoree Core Programming.  This would mean that individuals would have mastered and strengthened their skills and therefore they would be less dependent on supervision or direct 1:1 supports.