Become a Family Based Care Provider

Why foster with Sensoree Foster Care Services?

Sensoree Foster Care Services recognizes that hard work and dedication that is required to care for children and youth. Foster Parents are a major key to not only the function but the development and growth in Sensoree Foster Care Services. Having said it, Sensoree Foster Care Services strives to ensure that all Family Based Care Providers feel valued, appreciated, and supported. We have encompassed fundamental factors to minimize stress and burn out and have incorporated self-are elements as well. Family Based Care Providers are provided with:

  • Weekly and/or daily support from a Child and Youth Care Practitioner to help with caring for children/youth placed in Family Based Care Provider homes.

  • Annual vacations/respite hours

  • A comprehensive per diem

  • An abundance of support from Sensoree Managerial team who possess a wealth of knowledge working within the Child Welfare System, as Frontline workers and experience and history of being a foster parent.


  • Must be 21 years old or older

  • Must have a home to support children/youth in – please note that foster home do not need to be owned

  • There must be one adult who is identified as the primary caregiver. Foster parents are able to work, however, must create a detailed plan on how the children/youth will be supported during working hours should they need something

  • Medical Clearance must indicate good physical and mental health

  • Must have Standard First Aid and Non-violent Crisis Intervention (SFCS will support in obtaining)

  • Attendance and participation are expected for all training and development courses

  • Ability to be receptive to constructive feedback

  • Ability to be self aware as well as foster and practice self growth

  • Provide a smoke free zone in space children/youth will have access to

  • Possess exceptional organizational skills to keep track of dates, documents, appointments, receipts and meet deadlines

Characteristics that Family Based Care Providers must possess

  • Flexibility, creativity, and patience

  • Good child/youth management skills

  • Some level of experience with children/youth

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

  • Ability to work as an effective team player on a multidisciplinary team

  • Ability to effectively problem solve and utilize crisis management skills

  • Willingness to accept feedback and make changes

Benefits of becoming a Family Based Care Provider

By become a foster parent, you provide children/youth with:

  • a loving structured home for children/youth that are emotionally distressed

  • the care and routine that allows children and youth to feel safe and secure

  • a home that is free of violence, abuse, and chaos

  • teach children/youth valuable independent skills to prepare them for their future

  • opportunity to develop, build and strengthen skills

  • a space for them to feel comfortable be vulnerable

  • an environment that teaches children how to have fun, laugh and be a child

  • a place they can call home

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