
Why Sensoree Foster Care Services?

  • Provides specialized homes to support children and youth with special and complex needs.

  • Family Based Care Providers (foster parents) and staff are provided with comprehensive training

  • Contains and in house clinical team

  • Provides customized programming to ensure that children and youth are actively working on developing, strengthen and building skills.

    • Programs are assessed regular to ensure that new goals are works on

    • Goals are created using S.M.A.R.T module

    • Programming is measurable and evidence based

  • Provide access to recreational space that caters to those with special and complex needs.

  • Provides wraparound support to not only the children/youth in our care but foster parents

  • Has many partnerships in the community to ensure children/youth are supported.

Program Eligibility and Client Group:

  • SFCS provided therapeutic foster homes for children and youth ages 0-18 years old that have a formal diagnosis or actively in the process of getting a formal diagnosis of mild to severe learning difficulties, cognitive delays, physical disability, social and communicative difficulties, or emotional and behavioural difficulties.

  • SFCS qualifying diagnosis, but not limited to the following:

  • Developmental Delays

  • Cognitive Delays

  • Social Delays

  • Communicative Delays

  • Physical Delays

  • Mental health difficulties

  • Dual Diagnosis

Each child must have a an ABBLS-R assessment no more than 3 years old or have one completed through Sensoree Foster Care Services at the expensive of the placing agency. Any additional relevant documents will be accepted.

Do you have a child/youth that would benefit from our services?